M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay

I've been interested in computer systems since a very young age, and I've been programming since 2005. I have knowledge in PHP, MySQL, Python, MongoDB, and Linux.



Personal Blog on Safety and Survival - Being "Sober" on the Streets

Personal Blog on Safety and Survival - Being "Sober" on the Streets

Being cautious in uncertain situations / unfamiliar streets Whether you're passing through an unfamiliar neighborhood or find yourself amidst an unruly demonstration, adopting some crucial principles could save your life. Rather than just saying "I'll apply them if necessary" after reading, I recommend trying to implement them whenever possible. Remember that these simple rules can increase your awareness of the situation you're in and could be your lifesaver.

1. Always know where you are Knowing where you are, where you entered a street, and where you'll exit from it is crucial. At the very least, you should always know the direction to a safe location you're familiar with. Especially if you're driving to an unfamiliar place, never let your fuel level drop. Ensure your tank is as full as possible and try not to let it go below half. If there are various public transportation options available in the area, make sure to learn all of them. In an emergency, public transportation can provide a vital escape route. On the other hand, places like stations, piers, or stops, which are the safest places to go during the day, can be extremely dangerous, especially in the late hours of the night when there's no security personnel.

2. Blend into the crowd If there's a general state of civil unrest or if you're entirely unfamiliar with the country you're in, avoid clothes that would easily single you out from the crowd. Plain and unobtrusive colors will generally work best. Looking "too good" is as risky as looking "too bad."

3. Stay relaxed Especially when you're around people or groups that you consider could pose a danger, it's essential to stay relaxed. If the group is exceptionally crowded, it's safer to move through them without attracting too much attention rather than trying to avoid them. If you do need to move away, never run, as this will draw more attention. Avoid actions like laughing too much or speaking loudly with those around you. Walk with quiet and deliberate steps.

4. Avoid contact with strangers Similarly, don't lose your awareness. Look forward as much as possible while moving. If there's a dangerous group ahead of you, cross the street and change direction. However, while doing this, don't let on that you're avoiding contact. If such avoidance is not possible, pass through them without increasing your pace. Don't speed up. Don't slow down. If you're talking, don't lower your voice. Act normal.

5. Eye contact Eye contact can often be dangerous in uncertain areas. In such situations, you should force yourself to behave as you would in a safe neighborhood. Avoid long eye contacts, which could be described as "staring." When making eye contact, be relaxed, give a slight nod, and continue walking without overdoing it.

6. Unavoidable dialogues When walking on the sidewalk, if someone engages you in dialogue, don't hesitate to respond. However, ensure that your response doesn't progress the conversation. For example, if someone greets you, respond seriously with a greeting as well. If someone asks you "how's it going," it's best to respond with "good, thanks" and continue. Avoid asking "how about you." If you don't feel safe where you are, avoid possible contacts, and in situations where you can't avoid them, remain calm, keep moving, and constantly act.

In Summary... The main idea here is always about "being aware." Typically, bad experiences happen when people become targets by panicking in a crowd. In summary; continuing your path without panicking, being aware of your surroundings, not panicking, not being afraid, or showing your fear, will largely protect you from unpleasant incidents.

Source: http://koryak.blogspot.com/2013/09/sokaklarda-ayk-olmak.html

Muhammed Niyazi ALPAY - Cryptograph

Senior Software Developer & Senior Linux System Administrator


PHP MySQL MongoDB Python Linux Cyber Security

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