In C#, we use the SqlCommand command to execute queries in the database. Since I will continue with MySQL for our example, I will use the MySqlCommand command.
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost; userid=root; password=root; database=cryptograph");
In the click event of the button named "Get Data", we open our connection using error control commands and write the necessary commands to fetch the data.
try { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand query = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY id DESC", connection); MySqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { listView1.Items.Add(reader["blog_baslik"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.ToString(), "Error"); } finally { connection.Close(); }
We defined an object named query with the MySqlCommand command and specified our SQL query and which connection to use.
try { connection.Open(); string blogTitle = listView1.FocusedItem.Text.ToString(); query = new MySqlCommand("DELETE FROM blog WHERE blog_baslik='" + blogTitle + "'", connection); try { query.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show(blogTitle + " data is deleted"); listView1.Items.Clear(); try { MySqlCommand query2 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY id DESC", connection); MySqlDataReader reader = query2.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { listView1.Items.Add(reader["blog_baslik"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.ToString(), "Error"); } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.ToString(), "Error"); } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.ToString(), "Error"); } finally { connection.Close(); }
Again, I created an object named query, this time I used the delete command from the database, DELETE * FROM , I used the command, we are deleting from the database according to the selected title information from the list. string blogTitle = listView1.FocusedItem.Text.ToString(); command, we take the selected information from the listview as a string and put it into the sql query.
Then we clear everything on the listview and fetch the information again, otherwise the deleted item will still remain on the listview, meaning we are refreshing the listview object, in the last operation, we close the database connection.
You can also do other operations related to the database using the same commands.
You can download the project file from here.
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