M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay

I've been interested in computer systems since a very young age, and I've been programming since 2005. I have knowledge in PHP, MySQL, Python, MongoDB, and Linux.



Meilisearch and Laravel Integration

Meilisearch and Laravel Integration

In this article, I will talk about MeiliSearch and Laravel Integration. MeiliSearch is a search engine that operates on the same logic as Elasticsearch. However, Elasticsearch consumes a lot of resou

MongoDB Installation and Configuration (User Authorization and SSL Installation)

MongoDB Installation and Configuration (User Authorization and SSL Installation)

For installing MongoDB on a Linux operating system, you first need to add the MongoDB repositories to your system. Linux Redhat / CentOS Step 1: You need to add the following information into the fi

Batch Log Cleanup on Linux Operating System

Batch Log Cleanup on Linux Operating System

Linux operating systems keep records of errors, system warnings, and other events encountered during their operation. These logs can grow to large sizes over time, occupying significant disk space. Wh

Batch Configuration of Directory and File Permissions for Web Sites on Linux Server

Batch Configuration of Directory and File Permissions for Web Sites on Linux Server

Setting file and directory permissions for websites on a Linux server can sometimes be time-consuming. For example, when using FileZilla with the option to apply to subdirectories selected, or when ap

PHP Data Object - PDO

PHP Data Object - PDO

I had explained how to connect to a database and execute queries in PHP.Classic database connection is done with the mysql_connect() command, and query execution is done with mysql_query(), but the PD

Laravel and WebAuthn

Laravel and WebAuthn

In my previous article, I provided information about WebAuthn. In this article, I will explain how to implement it with Laravel. First, we include the laragear/webauthn package in our project. compo

The Hacker Who Saved the World - My Own Solutions

The Hacker Who Saved the World - My Own Solutions

This competition is called CTF (Capture The Flag) abroad, it's not organized much in our country, so I thank the Prodaft team for organizing such a competition. I solved some of the questions, couldn'

The Story of Kevin Mitnick, the Greatest Hacker of All Time

The Story of Kevin Mitnick, the Greatest Hacker of All Time

Kevin Mitnick, born on August 6, 1963, is considered one of the greatest hackers of all time. After spending five years in prison, he was released on parole in 2000. One of the conditions of his parol