M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay

I've been interested in computer systems since a very young age, and I've been programming since 2005. I have knowledge in PHP, MySQL, Python, MongoDB, and Linux.



WebAuthn and FIDO2: Modern Authentication Technologies

WebAuthn and FIDO2: Modern Authentication Technologies

WebAuthn is a technology that makes authentication processes on the web secure, user-friendly, and independent of passwords. Developed by the FIDO (Fast Identity Online) Alliance, this standard operat

Listing Users by Number of Topics in Mysql

Listing Users by Number of Topics in Mysql

We have two different tables, one for topics opened and the other for users.In the system, the id information of the user who opens the topic is also kept in the table where the topics are found.In th

Laravel and WebAuthn

Laravel and WebAuthn

In my previous article, I provided information about WebAuthn. In this article, I will explain how to implement it with Laravel. First, we include the laragear/webauthn package in our project. compo

Laravel - Meilisearch and MongoDB Integration

Laravel - Meilisearch and MongoDB Integration

In my previous writings, I talked about integrating Laravel with both Meilisearch and MongoDB separately. In this piece, I'll discuss how to use all three together. As I mentioned in my previous pos

Linux Command Line - Common Linux Commands

Linux Command Line - Common Linux Commands

Today, Linux operating systems come with a beautiful interface designed for end-users, but the majority of tasks can still be done via the command line. The reason many computer users shy away from Li

Running a Query in C# Database

Running a Query in C# Database

In C#, we use the SqlCommand command to execute queries in the database. Since I will continue with MySQL for our example, I will use the MySqlCommand command. Start a new Windows Forms application a

Pulling Information by Associating Tables in Database (Inner Join)

Pulling Information by Associating Tables in Database (Inner Join)

To fetch data from the database, we use the SELECT command. With a command like SELECT * FROM table_name, we retrieve our data from the table_name table. If we need to fetch data based on a condition,

PHP - Connecting to MySQL Database and Reading Information (Illustrated Explanation)

PHP - Connecting to MySQL Database and Reading Information (Illustrated Explanation)

The database we will connect to: ornek_veritabani We have created our database and our table named isim_listesi. We defined the type of the column named id as int, which means integer, and defined

What is Artificial Intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the attempt to develop artificial instructions similar to human thinking methods by analyzing them. From a certain perspective, although it may seem like an attempt to

What is MongoDB and NoSQL?

What is MongoDB and NoSQL?

MongoDB is a NoSQL database. NoSQL can be expanded as "not only SQL," meaning it's not SQL. This is because the queries executed are not the ones you're used to in MySQL or MS SQL systems. Advantages