M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay

I've been interested in computer systems since a very young age, and I've been programming since 2005. I have knowledge in PHP, MySQL, Python, MongoDB, and Linux.



Vestel Smart TV Remote Control

Vestel Smart TV Remote Control

Hello, although I'm not a big fan, I'm a user of a Vestel Smart TV. While there are mobile remote control applications for Android and iOS for this TV, I spend most of my time at the computer, so I de

The Hacker Who Saved the World - My Own Solutions

The Hacker Who Saved the World - My Own Solutions

This competition is called CTF (Capture The Flag) abroad, it's not organized much in our country, so I thank the Prodaft team for organizing such a competition. I solved some of the questions, couldn'

C# For and While Loops

C# For and While Loops

Hello, I'm starting with the same topic as my PHP For and While Loops tutorial because fundamentally everything is the same. Loops are used to perform repetitive tasks. Initially, it may seem meaning

What is C#?

What is C#?

What is C#? As you know, there are programs that we use to use our computers comfortably and programming languages are needed to make these programs. The most popular of these languages are Basic, C,

PHP For and While Loops

PHP For and While Loops

Loops are used to perform repetitive tasks. Initially, it may seem meaningless, but if you have a web page with 100 members, you can finish your work in three lines using a loop instead of writing the

PHP Variable Definition and If - Else structure

PHP Variable Definition and If - Else structure

Variable Declaration In PHP, variables are defined with the $ sign.$variable = variable value; There are some rules for defining variables. Variables cannot start with a number. Turkish characte

What is PHP and What Can Be Done

What is PHP and What Can Be Done

PHP, particularly designed for the web, is a server-side scripting language that can be embedded into HTML. It resembles C and Perl in its general structure and programming rules. Developed by Rasmus

WebAuthn and FIDO2: Modern Authentication Technologies

WebAuthn and FIDO2: Modern Authentication Technologies

WebAuthn is a technology that makes authentication processes on the web secure, user-friendly, and independent of passwords. Developed by the FIDO (Fast Identity Online) Alliance, this standard operat

Meilisearch and Laravel Integration

Meilisearch and Laravel Integration

In this article, I will talk about MeiliSearch and Laravel Integration. MeiliSearch is a search engine that operates on the same logic as Elasticsearch. However, Elasticsearch consumes a lot of resou

PHP Data Object - PDO

PHP Data Object - PDO

I had explained how to connect to a database and execute queries in PHP.Classic database connection is done with the mysql_connect() command, and query execution is done with mysql_query(), but the PD