M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay
M. Niyazi Alpay

I've been interested in computer systems since a very young age, and I've been programming since 2005. I have knowledge in PHP, MySQL, Python, MongoDB, and Linux.



PHP Variable Definition and If - Else structure

PHP Variable Definition and If - Else structure

Variable Declaration In PHP, variables are defined with the $ sign.$variable = variable value; There are some rules for defining variables. Variables cannot start with a number. Turkish characte

What is PHP and What Can Be Done

What is PHP and What Can Be Done

PHP, particularly designed for the web, is a server-side scripting language that can be embedded into HTML. It resembles C and Perl in its general structure and programming rules. Developed by Rasmus

Laravel and WebAuthn

Laravel and WebAuthn

In my previous article, I provided information about WebAuthn. In this article, I will explain how to implement it with Laravel. First, we include the laragear/webauthn package in our project. compo

PHP Image Upload and Resizing Class

PHP Image Upload and Resizing Class

Hello, I'm going to show you the image resizing and uploading class I've prepared. In my previous post, I talked about object-oriented programming. The topic I'm going to explain now is a class for im

Linux Command Line - Common Linux Commands

Linux Command Line - Common Linux Commands

Today, Linux operating systems come with a beautiful interface designed for end-users, but the majority of tasks can still be done via the command line. The reason many computer users shy away from Li

What is Artificial Intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the attempt to develop artificial instructions similar to human thinking methods by analyzing them. From a certain perspective, although it may seem like an attempt to